God made Eve so that he would have a help mate; a beloved, honored companion who would be by his side through thick and thin. I know for some that it's more thick than thin, right? You wonder what the use is.
God created us to be both like a priceless jewel and a beautiful red rose, soft as velvet to the touch.
Are you soft to the touch? Is it easy for someone to touch you? Do you get involved easily with others? Or are you one who pulls back if someone tries to get close to you?
If you were to take a survey on the following questions, how would you rate?
1. At this moment, do you like yourself?
2. Do you feel good about yourself?
3. What would it take to make you happy?
4. Are there times when you would like to just fade away?
5. What makes you angry?
6. Do you feel you are special?
7. What bothers you about being a woman?
8. If I came to your house for a visit, would it be easy for you to talk to me?
9. What do you want out of life?
10. In a relationship, which is more important to you, your own happiness or that of the other person?
11. Do you like men?
12. When was the last time you felt great about yourself?
Do you have any problem with any of the above questions? Which one causes you more problems?
After being in ministry for 22 years with my husband, and dealing with women who are in bad relationships, I have learned that we are all different, and that we all have needs.
How we get those needs met is another question. This is one of the reasons I felt such a need to write this book. I wanted to help others find what their role in life is, and how to fulfill that role.
Our answers are usually found in a way that seems so hard. This causes many to stop, before they ever get started
Many times we need to work through areas in our lives, such as the following:
A. A bad childhood or not being accepted as a child
B. Sexual abuse
C. Pressures of not having what others do
How does one deal with the above examples?
No matter what has happened in our childhood, we can have a purposeful life, and we can have a good future. But we must decide that we are willing to allow God to lead us there.
An excerpt from the book, What is the Role of a Woman, by Reverend Dolly Holland