When you are faced with a mountain and you feel unable to handle it any longer, what can you do that might help? Here are a few suggestions:
• Be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). Get to know who He really is and what He can do for you in your time of need. If it works for me, it will work for you.
• Clear your mind of everything but Jesus (Job 3:25, Proverbs 23:7). Our thoughts can destroy us.
• Let praise fill your whole being (Hebrews 13:15). It is much better to praise than to worry. Praise makes you feel good, but worry will cause pain. Having tried both, I choose praise every time.
• Don't speak a word, simply sit in His presence. Let His love lift you out of your lowly dwelling place and fill you with Heavenly joy!
• When you have several problems, don't think of them all at once. You can become bogged down with too much on your mind. This can cause confusion, and hinder you from knowing how to pray.
• This is a little exercise that I do while working with hurting women. Place your hands together, think about your need, and lift your request up to the Heavenly Father until you feel He has taken this need. Then, pull your hands apart and start thanking Him for receiving your prayer. This will help you to truly let go of it.
If I trust and believe, what will happen?

Again, we are talking about a choice we must make. Will we allow God free reign in our lives, to do things His way? If we don't heed His Word, nothing will be accomplished.

However, if we do obey Him, we can expect to see God move in mighty ways. Through obedience we will see His greatness. In this way, we will grow and mature in Him. Our hearts will overflow with gratitude for the change in our lives. By trusting and believing in what He is able to do, He will lead us in a new direction where we will have new experiences in Him.

"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." Psalm 118:8

An excerpt from the book, Mountains are Moved by Prayer, by Dolly Holland